Sunday, January 23, 2011

I saw a thousand birds yesterday. It was so beautiful. Like a dream. Their silhouettes were black against the brilliant bright blue sky. The way they flew and moved in formations was so perfect. So precise. They turned from one direction to another, looking like a dark river snaking off into the distance. It was such a rare sight for me! Especially in a city!  Occasionally, they took the time to land on a traffic light or building top. Just for a few seconds and then they would fly off, continuing their journey to wherever they were going. I was in awe. I wish I had my camera with me so I could have taken a picture. I think from now on I will try to always have it with me. I wish I knew what type of birds they were. They looked like sparrows to me, but I can't be sure...

Happy Sunday Everyone!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Christmas at home!

Here is how I spent my Christmas and the day after Christmas. It was such a fun day!

Some polaroids I took that day

Present from my little sister. (It was an art calendar and a beautiful watch).

Croissants my sister made. So tasty. 

One of my favorite drinks! (It's not alcohol)

The foyer looked so pretty!

Mr. Snowman was missing part of his arm :o(

Our pretty Christmas wreath. I think it is about 6 years old!

One of the cards I got this year. 
The day after Christmas was my little sister's birthday. Usually we go out for dinner on our birthday with the whole family. But.... It snowed so we couldn't really do anything :o( 
But I have the sweetest little brother in the world! He surprised her by buying her a birthday cake (He is only 13 by the way. I don't know any other 13 yr old who would do that). <3

We had a huge blizzard. My sister's friend who had visited couldn't move her car because it got snowed in.

Overall, it was a nice an relaxing holiday. I wish that it didn't end. Can't wait for next year! Hopefully by then I will be better at taking pictures and capture more of the fun moments. I was pretty lazy so I didn't take that many pictures. Not even of what people got. :o( But all the same I had fun and I hope that your Christmas was as magical and fun and mine!


Monday, January 3, 2011

Hey Guys and Gals!

What a crazy holiday season it has been! So many things to celebrate and so many family seen. It was wonderful! :o)

Sorry I have been away for so long. As I stated earlier, I tend to be bad at the diary and blog thing BUT I am trying! (as you can see). I was thinking about whether I should make this blog about something specific, but then I can't figure out what I would make it about. I love so many things but I am not good at one specific thing. I have always been jealous of talented people. From art to music to dancing, or even math geniuses, I think that they are all amazing! To you talented people out there kudos to you! Haha.

I plan on bombarding you all with pictures of my Christmas at home, but I don't want to add them all in one post because that would just be one ridiculously LONG post which can be annoying for some people. Here is a preview picture to tide you over until my next post:

Since we were all away at school there was no one home to put up the Christmas tree :o( My sister and I usually do it. So this year, since we came home only days before Christmas, we decided to make a makeshift Christmas tree! This is what it looked like. Cute right? Hehehe. I hope everyone had a magical holiday!

Happy New Years!